When It Rains...

As the Morton Salt Girl taught us, when it rains, it pours. On April 24th, I’ll be playing guitar (as well as some banjo and mandolin) for opening night of the Inland Valley Repertory Theatre’s production of Big Fish. Gorgeous music and a killer band who all happen to be friends of mine. Between now and then, in addition to a trip to Boston with the John Burroughs High School Show Choirs,  I’ve got three musicals to get under my fingers, AKA 105(!) songs to learn. Whew!

First up, I’m subbing for two shows of Musical Theatre West’s production of Catch Me If You Can on the 11th. I had an unbelievably great experience working on Bright Star at MTW and was super bummed that scheduling wouldn’t allow me to play the full run of this show. So when the opportunity to sub came up, I jumped at it. I got to sit in the pit opening night, and that BIG band was ROCKING! 

Right after that, I start rehearsals for another production of Bright Star, this one at Candlelight Pavilion in Claremont, and this time playing banjo. Excited to channel my inner Steve Martin and reconnect with a couple of players from the MTW band for this one. I certainly can’t complain about a lack of songs to practice these days!

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